Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Playing in the Yard

This photo was taken back in October 2007... Connor was trying to show Elijah how to use the skate board but Elijah wanted to ride piggy back!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dear Family, Friends, (and of course, Connor...)

Sorry I haven't posted photos in a while. The latter part of 2007 was extremely busy for me and I had to cut back on all my blogging. I'll try to do a better job keeping everyone updated in 2008...

Here's a quick recap about what Connor's been up to...

  • Connor had a great football season earning starting positions on both offense and defense
  • Connor continues to make straight A's...
  • Connor is planning to run track this spring and has really been committed to working out in the gym this year. He's already in good shape and with his new regimen he's getting stronger every day. I really admire his work ethic in that regard!
  • Connor is enjoying learning to play the guitar... Yea!
  • His favorite group activity with his friends is air soft war.

That's a quick update... I'll try to update at least once a week form here on out.

Thanks for checking out Connor's Corner!

Coach Sam

Our New Family Band...!

Connor is such a good big brother...! Here he is teaching Elijah how to play the drums. Both boys love music and have interest in playing instruments.

Connor practices his acustic guitar while Elijah accompanies him on the Xylophone...