Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hay Ride 2007

It's getting closer to Christmas. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I still can't get over how much Connor is growing up. Here's a photo of Connor, Elijah, and Elijah's good friend Abbie Tieman at the Columbia Lakes 2007 Hayride and Christmas Carol night. That was a fun night for everyone as I recall...!


sclaybon3 said...
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sclaybon3 said...

This message is from your old friend, Swazoo. What's up. I thought I would see what is going on with you in Texas. I'm a sophomore at White Station High School, and it looks like we still like the same things. I'm getting ready to run track and still like to play tennis. I'm not on the football team, but I am in the marching band and the jazz band. I play the saxophone. Email me sometime at Oh, how tall are you. I'm 6 feet two inches. Take care, and keep in touch. Your friend, Swazoo Claybon, III